
Worldwide Miscarriage, Stillborn, and Infant Loss Day

Yesterday, October 15, was Worldwide Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss Day.  I celebrated by wearing my "I am the Face" bracelet. 

I have the light blue one, in honor of Isaiah.  I didn't know the sex of the first baby we lost at 8 weeks, so I just got the color for the gender I knew.  I also prayed about Isaiah yesterday ( as I do everyday and think of him everyday, but I prayed extra for him and his miscarried sibling yesterday).

It is days like this that we bring to the forefront of our minds the "what could have beens" I often wonder what it would be like to have those two babies. I know God's plan for me and my family is exactly as He planned it.  God knew these "incidents" (tragedies) would happen to us, he knew that these events would draw Aaron and I closer in our marriage and our love for one another.  He knew that Layla was destined for us. God doesn't do things by accident, it is all part of His grand plan for our lives.  I knew as a child that I was going to be someones mother someday, who knew I'd have 3 children, and that 2 of the 3 would grow wings and leave for heaven before we could meet one another.  I love all 3 of my children, here with me or gone before me. 

God Bless all those mothers that cannot hold all their babies in their arms, those mothers whose babies are with the Lord.

Mommy and Daddy love you Isaiah David and Baby Aidt 


Busy Weekend!!!

I had Friday off from work this past week so I could take Layla to her 18 month check-up.  Aaron also had Friday off, we made it a long weekend and he took Saturday off too.  Layla's appointment went great.  The doctor commented on how developed emotionally and mentally she is, I heard..."she's a genius" ha ha!!  No, Seriously, she told us they expect 3 clear words from a child at 18 months and Layla repeats almost everything she hears and pretty clearly most of the time depending on the complexity of the word.  We work all the time on counting, the alphabet, we read, we sing, and we try not to talk to her like a baby (anymore).  She weighed in at 26 lbs 11 oz, up from 25 lbs 3 oz at her 15 month appointment.  She is 33 inches tall, up from 31 inches at her 15 month appointment.  She is growing and developing so quickly, I blink and she's older and smarter and taller!!! It goes too fast!!! 


On Saturday we headed back to our hometown for the annual Bucyrus Bratwurst festival.  We took Layla so she could see the parade and so we could visit with family and friends we don't see that often.  She had a lot of fun watching the parade, it was warm and she got a little irritable towards the end, so when the parade was over we meandered our way through the crowd to one of our favorite hometown restaurants, Baker Pizza Shack, and enjoyed dinner with some friends.  Then we headed to a barbecue at my brother's house!

                   Parade watching and walking with her great-grandma                        

Always wants to "see" your phone...here she is "seeing" grandma's phone and aunt Kimmy's phone.

On Sunday, we lounged and relaxed and didn't do a whole lot of anything...and you can see...


On Monday, I got off work early and we headed to a Columbus Clippers baseball game...Layla and her daddy had a blast!!!  Layla isn't really into the baseball watching as much as she is into the get into and do whatever I can get away with plan.

Whew...we were busy, but we didn't do anything we didn't really want to do and we had fun!!!  We are so blessed.

Layla was worn out after this fun filled activity packed weekend. We need more weekends as a family to do fun things and relax...maybe after Aaron graduates :)


So Far So Good

Well the new routine is in place and working well.  Even had some "extra" time to organize all the pictures on the computer!!  They were in such disarray...no order whatsoever.  I have been meaning for months to organize them, and like all other things, was always too busy (she said, knowing full well she laid on the couch every night for several months)!!!  

I am liking the way I feel about things when I lay my head down at night, there is no longer a constant unfinished "To Do List" in my head taunting me every day!  I wake up and the house is clean, things are ready for the next day, everyone has clean clothes because the laundry is getting done, everything feels more complete!!!  

We have along weekend starting tomorrow.  Aaron and I are both off Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and Aaron is off as usual on Monday.  On Friday we are running some errands and taking Lalya to her pediatrician for her 18-Month Check-up (don't get me started on where that time went).  Saturday we are headed back to our hometown for the annual Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival and then Sunday church and relaxing.  Sundays are reserved for those two things on my new routine :) I hope to take tons of pictures so I can share :) 

I feel like things are comfortable and enjoyable right now and I hope to keep this ball a-rollin' on down the road!!  My family is happy and healthy and I could not be happier, I am so blessed!!


The Laziness Epidemic

It seems as though working a full-time outside of the home job and then coming home and spending time with Layla in the evenings has made me lazy...I mean for the "other" parts of my "job".  The other parts being, laundry, dishes, dusting, vacuuming, and general upkeep of my home.  Don't get me wrong the house is clean(ish) and things are mostly put in their place before I go to bed, as I have a bit of self-diagnosed OCD!!  But, after Layla goes to bed and I straighten up the house in what I call my 15 minute cleaning dash, I find myself sitting on my behind on the couch (usually with some sort of snack I should probably be avoiding) until I am dog tired then I drag myself upstairs to fall asleep in bed, only to wake up with an even longer "to-do" list that is at least another day behind.  

Enough Complaining about all that...where does that get you anyway? My grandma says "complaining is like sitting in a rocking chair trying to get somewhere, useless"  So I am getting off the lazy train and I am going to do something about it.  I am going to start Flying again.  Flying? yes...Flying!!!

This group of women can teach you how in just a short period of time and with routines things can get done and you don't feel overwhelmed once a week because the laundry is overflowing and your husband is out of clean underwear (again)!!!  I have started and quit this many times, didn't quit because it didn't work...it works, I just got the lazy bug again!!  I feel like I would be blessing my family if I started being able to accomplish these small tasks day by day.  I would have more time with them instead of always trying to "finish" my "chores"  This is my new goal...do things a little at a time within a routine so I have more free time to spend as a mommy and a wife!!  Wish me luck!


Maybe it'll Stick This Time

By "maybe it'll stick this time", I mean this whole blogging thing!!!  I would like to say I am busy and just don't have time, but that's only partly true.  I am busy, I work full-time, I am a full-time momma (my favorite "job"), and a part-time homemaker (meaning someone has to keep this place clean and upright)!!!  But at around 8pm every evening, Layla is tucked in bed and asleep and this is where my "free" time falls apart...I should be doing laundry, couponing, getting things ready for the next day (which I do for Layla when necessary, but not for myself), cleaning up, etc...but I find myself asleep on the couch or vegging out in front of the television for hours...then I drag myself to bed and wake up in a craze because I am now always running late somehow ( I never used to be the one running to beat the clock in the morning) but since becoming a momma I have lost track of time somehow!!!  Anyway...enough with the excuses...I hope I can at least take one day a week to update the events of our lives.

Soooo.....Layla has turned 1 (she is now almost 18 months old) She has so much personality and is so funny!!!  (I will photo bomb this post later)  She is the absolutely the joy in our lives and we are so blessed and grateful!  Life is busy, Aaron and I work full-time, he is a full-time student, and we have a toddler!!!  

So we really are busy, but after 8pm I do have some free time!! I will make time to do this!!!  It is a goal for me...

Here is the photos in no particular order at all :)

We love you and miss you everyday Isaiah David
 Layla just a couple weeks ago
 At the pool looking cool
 Playing at the park...the slide is her favorite
 One of the pictures from her first birthday photo shoot 
 At the Notre Dame vs OSU hockey Game on 2/2/13 (Isaiah's 2nd Birthday)
 First Birthday party...she didn't smash up the cake like I hoped she would
 First Family Christmas card picture 2012
 Another gorgeous picture from her first birthday photo shoot

Our First family vacation to St Louis to visit Aaron's Aunt Miki and her family :)